PreOp Patient Education
Thursday, July 04, 2024

Audio Presentation

Hip Replacement


  Your Body
  Medical Record
  Before Surgery
  Your Procedure
This information is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor. MedSelfEd, Inc. disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information.
Your doctor understands that all medical care benefits from close collaboration between physician and patient -- so be sure to review, with your doctor, all risks and alternatives and make sure you understand the reasons behind the recommendation for this particular procedure.

Now let's talk in detail about the procedure your doctor has recommended. That particular recommendation was based on a number of factors:

  • the state of your health,

  • the severity of your condition,

  • an assessment of alternative treatments or procedures and finally,

  • the risks associated with doing nothing at all.

And remember, the final decision is up to you. No one can force you to undergo a surgical procedure against your will.

When it comes to hip replacement surgery, there are no real alternatives.
When it comes to hip replacement surgery, there are no real alternatives.
Physical therapy can sometimes reduce stiffness and increase flexibility, but it cannot cure the underlying disease. However, hip replacement surgery is an effective way to improve your ability to walk and to reduce pain.
Physical therapy can sometimes reduce stiffness and increase flexibility, but it cannot cure the underlying disease. However, hip replacement surgery is an effective way to improve your ability to walk and to reduce pain.
Choosing not to undergo hip replacement surgery will not normally put your health or life at risk. But it is very unlikely that your damaged hip joint will heal. So without surgery, it is almost certain that your condition will not improve and may become worse over time.
Choosing not to undergo hip replacement surgery will not normally put your health or life at risk. But it is very unlikely that your damaged hip joint will heal. So without surgery, it is almost certain that your condition will not improve and may become worse over time.
Of course, no surgical procedure is completely risk free. But your physician believes that if you decide not to undergo the recommended procedure, your quality of life will not improve and your ability to walk normally will be reduced.
Of course, no surgical procedure is completely risk free. But your physician believes that if you decide not to undergo the recommended procedure, your quality of life will not improve and your ability to walk normally will be reduced.

Now I'd like to introduce you to another important member of the medical team -- the nurse.

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